Monday, August 22, 2011

Why I love freezer meals and Menu-Week 4

This menu will only be three days long. Today through Wednesday. I will not be going to the grocery store this week (unless I run out of milk). This week will end my 4 weeks.
Since I am not going to the store, I will using what I have in my house. This is why I love freezer meals. Whether you just don't feel like going to the store, you are too busy, or have run out of grocery money; you will still have good food to eat.


home- beans, rice, and meat burritos, peas, apple/banana yogurt
school- caramel rice cake, blueberry greek yogurt, black olives, apple slices

Spaghetti, dinner rolls, peaches


home- fishsticks, carrots, pears
school- graham crackers with pb & cinnamon, mash up, apple banana yogurt

Balsamic Roasted Chicken Thighs, brown rice ( I am going to try this recipe), garden green beans, apple slices


home- pb&j, green beans, peaches
school- pb&j, peaches, pretzels

Salisbury Steak, mashed potatoes, pears

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